Thursday, October 22, 2020

Different types of Rhyme

 Different types of Rhyme :

1> Assonant Rhyme :- This is the rhyming of vowels in words but with different consonants. 

2> Consonant Rhyme :- This is the rhyming of consonants but not vowels. 

3> Dactylic :- This rhymes the third syllable from the end. 

4> Eye Rhyme :- This rhyming in this type is based on spelling but not sound. 

Rules of Rhyming 

1> Words rhyme when they sound the same at the end. 

2> Perfect rhymes are words whose sound exactly the sound of end. 

3> Imperfect rhymes are words that sound similar but not the same. 

4> Words can rhyme even if they are not spelled the same. 

There are the major three types :-

Single Rhymes 
Double Rhymes 
Triple Rhymes 


1 comment:

Traditional Rhyme

  A   traditional rhyme   is generally a   saying , sometimes a   proverb   or an   idiom , couched in the form of a   rhyme   and often pas...